Co-occurring Disorders and Other Behaviors

NYCFL treats teens and young adults with primary substance use disorder diagnoses. We also know that substance use disorders do not exist in a vacuum and are often associated with other mental health conditions and associated behaviors. Both in our intensive outpatient (IOP) and outpatient (OP) program, our team can help effectively manage mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, personality disorders like borderline personality disorder, trauma, attachment issues, self-injurious behaviors, and codependency.

My experience as a client of New York Center for Living was undeniably one of the most important parts of my success in early sobriety. While under the care of their highly trained clinical staff, I was provided with the comfort of a safe therapeutic environment. At NYCFL I was surrounded by highly motivated young adults who were eager to work on navigating the challenges we faced in early sobriety as a team. I’ve been through various IOP programs and can earnestly attest that NYCFL offers a unique and all-encompassing program, tailored to my individual needs at every step. I would, and have, suggested this program to numerous individuals still struggling with addiction, in confidence that NYCFL will facilitate their recovery. To this day I maintain relationships with my past group members, and we continue to support each other, even years later. I have so much gratitude for my time in this program, with their help I am able to live a happy and sober life today.