
  • Family, Family, Family

    Family, Family, Family

    Not only is it important to successful addiction treatment, but family may very well be the greatest and most powerful factor for helping individuals with addiction to recover. I am not talking about functional, well-manicured picture-perfect families. I am talking about dysfunctional, messy, broken souled individuals coming together to help because they love their brother,…

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  • Sober Living in NYC: What to Look For

    Sober Living in NYC: What to Look For

    Intensive rehab programs help individuals move beyond their dependencies, but the recovery process can take months, even years. Too often, leaving rehab to go home results in relapse. Many addictive substances are associated with high relapse rates even after individuals have undergone medical detox and a rehab program. When individuals return home, they may still…

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  • 4 Main Qualities to Look for in the Best Mental Health Clinics of NYC

    4 Main Qualities to Look for in the Best Mental Health Clinics of NYC

    People searching for mental health clinics in NYC for substance abuse and addiction treatment have a myriad of options to consider, but not all clinics are created equally. Some health clinics and their mental health and addiction treatment programs stand out from the rest. If you are searching for the top mental health clinics in…

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  • What Is Fentanyl Withdrawal?

    What Is Fentanyl Withdrawal?

    Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine. Fentanyl is also derived from the opium poppy but is even more powerful and also powerfully addictive. A schedule II prescription drug, fentanyl is prescribed to manage pain, either pain associated with a surgery or chronic pain due to a health condition. Although effective for…

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  • Alcoholics Anonymous, Manhattan: Our Meetings

    Alcoholics Anonymous, Manhattan: Our Meetings

    Healing from substance addiction is a process that takes time, and how individuals spend that time is paramount. When an individual’s recovery journey is effectively structured and includes Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, they are poised for a successful outcome. Many of today’s most respected addiction treatment programs are based on 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous. The…

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  • What do the Top Mental Health Centers Have in Common?

    What do the Top Mental Health Centers Have in Common?

    The top mental health treatment centers will provide your teen with the medical care he or she needs in a setting that is much more comfortable than a traditional hospital. Many alcohol and drug rehab facilities offer treatment for mental health conditions that coincide with various types of substance addiction. Dual Diagnosis According to the…

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