In the News

  • What Rehab for Teens is Like

    What Rehab for Teens is Like

    Substance abuse rehab for teens may sound like a frightening prospect for a young person to face. Yet, this is probably one of the most important and positive experiences for a teenager at risk to undergo. Entering a program that targets rehab for teens can be a route towards recovery that really works. The right…

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  • I’m Living with an Addict: My Alcoholic Parent

    I’m Living with an Addict: My Alcoholic Parent

    Living with an alcoholic parent can feel worrying, embarrassing, and even lonely. In the U.S., 18% of people in the 1990’s lived with an alcoholic while growing up, according to the National Association for Children of Alcoholics. Living with an addict who suffers from alcoholism is challenging enough for another adult, but children face unique…

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  • Addressing the Stigma Associated with Mental Health

    Addressing the Stigma Associated with Mental Health

    Throughout history, people suffering from forms of mental illness have been persecuted. As mental health conditions have become better understood and treatments have progressed to allow many people to lead normal lives, the stigma associated with mental health disorders and mental health treatment centers has been greatly reduced. However, it would be a serious mistake…

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  • Alumni Support: Staying Connected After Treatment

    Alumni Support: Staying Connected After Treatment

    Sobriety is a lifelong journey, and staying connected with others in recovery after you finish treatment helps to decrease your risk of relapse. Attending recovery support groups in your community is important for long-lasting sobriety, and alumni events at your treatment center are another way to get support when you need it. Why Sober Social…

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  • What to Expect When Your Child Starts Addiction Treatment

    What to Expect When Your Child Starts Addiction Treatment

    More than one million teens are suffering with a substance addiction today, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Professional addiction treatment is essential for helping teens successfully manage this disease, so they can safeguard their health and get back to their lives and preparing for their futures. High-quality addiction treatment centers…

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  • I Think I’m Addicted—What Should I Do?

    I Think I’m Addicted—What Should I Do?

    Addiction is a chronic disease that affects more than a million teens around the country. Left untreated, addiction can damage health and lead to serious problems with school, work and family relationships. With overdose always a risk, addiction is not a condition you can ignore, and it’s not a condition you can control without help.…

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