In the News

  • Dr. Steve Show – Dangers of Hookah

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  • DailyMail Addiction to Recovery Story

    By Chloe Castleberry For Dailymail.comPUBLISHED: 15:41 EDT, 16 August 2017 Shannon, 20, had her first alcoholic drink in eighth grade at a friend’s house in Colorado. She can’t remember whether it was either beer or vodka but she knows it felt good. At first it was something she did socially with friends, but by the…

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  • Teenagers And Addiction: They Are Not Simply Younger Adults

    “Youth are heated by nature as drunken men by wine”Aristotle (350 B.C.) As the medical field continues to make strides towards gaining a clearer understanding about the disease of addiction, one of the greatest challenges remains the understanding of how drugs of abuse and addiction affect teenagers. Far from being simply “younger versions of adults”,…

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  • NYCFL Nutrition Guide

    NYCFL Nutrition Guide

    At the Center for Living, nutritional health is viewed as one of the major factors necessary for successful recovery from substance use disorders. As such, one of our goals is to make sure that our clients and their families are well educated about the latest findings pertaining to nutrition and recovery. We feel it is…

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  • Internet Guidelines for parents of  adolescent and young adults in recovery from substance use.

    Internet Guidelines for parents of adolescent and young adults in recovery from substance use.

    The Nature of the Web-Connected World Warning Signs of Problematic Internet Use Specific Online Risks: Gaming, Pornography, Gambling Promoting Healthy Internet Use Identifying Appropriate Treatment How Treatment Centers Provide Help Resources THE NATURE OF THE WEB-CONNECTED WORLD More than nine out of 10 of those ages 12-17 are online (September 2012 survey). Nearly eight in…

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  • Social Media and Addiction

    Word of Mouse Advertising Many of us who work in the field of addiction have long suspected that social media and young people struggling with drug/alcohol addiction go hand in hand.  Previously, if a kid saw several friends drinking or smoking marijuana, he might want to try it himself. In a sense it’s natural for…

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