In the News

  • 12 Step Meetings

    12 Step Meetings

    There is a forthcoming article in the July issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research that confirms something that those of us who work here at the New York Center for Living already know: going to 12-step meetings helps keep young addicts and alcoholic sober. The study included 127 substance abusers, age 14…

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  • Why does the challenge of raising adolescents seem so overwhelming in the digital age?

    Why does the challenge of raising adolescents seem so overwhelming in the digital age?

    The usual stumbling blocks for teens—drug abuse, premature sex, and social pressure—are all compounded by the way teens use technology and social networking sites, like Facebook. Today, teenagers’ social lives run on a 24-hour cycle, so the demands of keeping up with peers can be crushing.  Although the means of communication among teens has changed…

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  • Importance of Healthy Friendships for Adolescents

    LA Times: “A Teen’s Friends Are A Powerful Influence” An Article in the LA Times confirms what we at the Center for Living already know: That the friendships that an adolescent has can influence behavior in a tremendous way.  Especially for an adolescent with substance abuse issues, the importance of building healthy relationships and sober…

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  • The Center for Living Contributes to Parents In Action Newsletter

    On February 7, 2011, Parents In Action held their 25th annual “Teen Scene” presentation to a standing room only audience at The Trinity School on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  The format included a moderator, Lucy Martin Gianino, who was flanked on both sides by a diverse group of high-functioning teenagers made up of high school…

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  • We take greater pains to persuade others that we are happy than in trying to think so ourselves.” -Confucius

    We take greater pains to persuade others that we are happy than in trying to think so ourselves.” -Confucius

    Recently, during clinical rounds, our treatment team engaged in a lively conversation about the clinical challenges we face when identifying substance use disorders in certain teenagers.  Among them is a misperception by many parents and clinicians that their teenagers must be drug-free because they (mistakenly) assume that high-functioning in school, participation on sports teams, and involvement…

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  • Re-Entry: An Exciting and Challenging Time In Recovery

    The period of time immediately following one’s stay at a residential treatment facility for addiction is one of the most misunderstood periods of recovery.  Family members, partners, friends, employers and even clients often have the misconception that a person who has just completed a course of treatment is not only healthy, clean and sober, but is…

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