Match the Effort

You’re here because what you’re doing isn’t working. We’re here because what you’re doing isn’t working. What we do at New York Center for Living is working.  Your child has been evaluated and a treatment plan has been suggested. Once you hear the level of commitment required, you find excuses not to participate at the […]

My Teenager is Making Me Depressed

Depression can strike at any time, even among parents. According to data from the 2013 National Health Interview Survey, five percent of parents in two-parent households and 11 percent of single parents experience at least two symptoms of depression.1 Parents of teenagers can be especially prone to depression. Depression among Parents of Teenagers The teenage […]

Internet Guidelines for parents of adolescent and young adults in recovery from substance use.

The Nature of the Web-Connected World Warning Signs of Problematic Internet Use Specific Online Risks: Gaming, Pornography, Gambling Promoting Healthy Internet Use Identifying Appropriate Treatment How Treatment Centers Provide Help Resources THE NATURE OF THE WEB-CONNECTED WORLD More than nine out of 10 of those ages 12-17 are online (September 2012 survey). Nearly eight in […]