What Rehab for Teens is Like

Substance abuse rehab for teens may sound like a frightening prospect for a young person to face. Yet, this is probably one of the most important and positive experiences for a teenager at risk to undergo.

Entering a program that targets rehab for teens can be a route towards recovery that really works. The right program can place you onto a much healthier path, leading to lasting sobriety.

Individualized Treatment

Addiction treatments for teenagers need to be specifically tailored to a person’s individual needs. Once the appropriate length and strength of treatment is determined, a successful outcome is anticipated, and risk of relapse is greatly reduced.

Treatments Centered Around Rehab for Teens

Fear of the unknown can prevent a person of any age from getting the help they need. But, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, adolescents, even if they are not yet addicted to a drug, can greatly benefit from a rehab for teens intervention program.

A 12-step treatment program dedicated to rehab for teens is composed of a schedule of various types of therapy, healthy meals, medication if needed, activities and classes or seminars.

What Teens Can Expect

A complete weekly schedule during rehab for teens will depend upon whether you are undergoing intensive outpatient or residential therapy. Most will include:

  1. Evaluation:After a full evaluation of your health, history and circumstances has been completed, recommendations for your customized treatment will be devised.
  2. Family:Your family can provide additional information helpful to your plan. Individual and group family therapy sessions may be crucial to your recovery.
  3. Detox:Cleansing your body of substances is accomplished during detox. Certain medications are very useful during detox to eliminate most of the discomfort some people experience.
  4. Group Therapy: These sessions help you understand that you are not alone in your fight against substance use. You’ll learn much from the achievements and setbacks that others face. The peer support network you build while in group therapy work to strengthen your own sobriety.
  5. Individual Therapy:Having one-on-one sessions with a therapist help you find and understand the reasons behind your previous steps toward addiction.
  6. Art Therapy: This form of therapy helps you express your inner emotions and thought processes in a nonjudgmental space.
  7. Yoga and Meditation: Practicing yoga and guided meditation helps with focus and achieving an awareness of the present moment.
  8. Eating Healthy: Learning how to eat and prepare a more nutritious diet helps you regain control over cravings and the impact that substance abuse has had on your overall metabolism.

Knowing what is involved in advance of beginning treatment for rehab can lessen any anxiety you may have about the treatment process. Once you understand the daily workings of your program, you will be more enthusiastic and ready to begin your recovery with eyes wide open.

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